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Important deadlines

Early-bird registration: June 30, 2024
Abstract submission: June 30, 2024

Early-bird After June 30, 2024
Standard Basic Standard Basic
Regular participant €600 €500 €700 €600
Student, Scientist of age over 70 €500 €400 €600 €500
Accompanying person €400 €300 €500 €400

Standard registration fee covers all Symposium materials and all Symposium sessions including Welcome Reception, sightseeing tour with Social Dinner, Farewell Dinner, coffee breaks, breakfasts, lunches and dinners during stay in the Smolenice Castle, return transfer Bratislava - Smolenice Castle.

Basic registration fee covers the same hospitality as Standard fee, however the sightseeing tour with a Social dinner is not included, as well as in the day of the sightseeing tour the dinner will not be served.

Standard or Basic registration fees include possibility of just one oral/poster presentation. The extra charge for an additional poster presentation is 30 EUR.


Here you can download abstract template.
Completed abstract should be sent by email to:


You will be informed about acceptation of your abstract. All accepted abstracts will be published in edited "Proceedings of the 16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides" in hard copy form with ISBN and ISSN numbers.


Poster size: maximum width (90 cm) and height (120 cm)

Payment instructions

Payments of registration fees must be made in Euro by a bank transfer.

Please, use the following payment description: "16BSS participant(s) name(s) fee".

Please, send a copy of the bank wire transfer to the following email address: SLOVCARB, o. z. will issue the invoice to the subject indicated in the registration form after receipt of payment.

Bank transfer details:
Bank: Fio banka, a. s., pobocka zahranicnej banky, Dunajská 1, SK-81108 Bratislava, Slovakia
Beneficiary's account name: SLOVCARB, o.z.
Beneficiary's address: Dúbravská cesta 5807/9, SK-841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
IBAN: SK84 8330 0000 0025 0283 4485

Please, note that you must pay all bank transfer charges so that we receive the full payment of the fee. Your registration will be confirmed as soon as the payment is received.

If you have any problem paying the registration fee by bank transfer, please let us know and together we find an appropriate solution.

Cancellation conditions

If a registered participant requests cancellation a) before May 31, 2024, the conference fee will be refunded in full; b) before August 31, 2024, 50% of the total fee will be refunded; c) later than August 31, 2024, 20% of the total fee will be refunded.


The accommodation is arranged at the conference venue in the beautiful Smolenice Castle. We would like to note that the availability of single rooms is limited so please fill in the box in the registration form with whom would you prefer to share a room. Prices vary from € 40 to € 150 / person / night depending on occupancy and type of room. In the case of the need for accommodation in a single room, and no single room in the Castle will be available, accommodation in single rooms in the pensions in Smolenice village (walking distance, approx. 1 km) can be arranged.

We will let you know the exact price of your accommodation in the Castle once the allocation of rooms is done. Then, you can pay for the accommodation in the Castle by bank transfer, see payment instructions above. In such a case please use the following payment description: "16BSS participant(s) name(s) accomm". You can also pay for the accommodation at the registration desk in the Castle in cash.

Commercial participation

For commercial participation or sponsoring of the symposium, please, contact Dr. Jaroslav Katrlík (Chairman of 16BSS) at: